SDMS V e-Appraisal for Web and Intranet Access


Managing Appraisals On Line

Offered as an optional Module with either SDMS V e-Training or SDMS V e-HRP.Net, SDMS V e-Appraisal allows Employee Appraisals and Staff Reviews to be carried out On Line. Many Organisations having spent £000s on Designing, Implementing and Training Staff in how to carry out or be involved in Appraisals, fall at the first hurdle by not having an elementary System for monitoring whether Appraisal Meetings took place, what Outcomes were Agreed and Following Through the Agreed Appraisal Targets. SDMS V e-Appraisal provides such a System and allows:

  • Pairing or Assigning Appraisee and Appraisers On Line
  • Recording when Appraisal Meetings take Place On Line
  • Recording Targets, Statements and Training Needs Resulting from Appraisal
  • Matching the Targets and Training Needs to Training Provision and Monitoring Follow Up of Appraisal

Administrator or Appraisal Coordinator Access

Appraisal Coordinators can monitor the Progress of Appraisal by viewing whether Appraisal Meetings are taking place in Teams or Departments and by individual Appraisees or Line Managers. Training Needs raised during Appraisal can be linked to SDMS V e-Training and Staff Enrolled on relevant Courses to ensure that Targets are followed though.

Appraiser and Line Manager Self Serve Access

Line Managers can set up and schedule Appraisal Meetings with their Staff and notify them of Dates, Times and Places by Email. Where the Appraisal Process consists of Initial, Focusing or Agenda Setting Meetings prior to the Main Appraisal Meeting or “Interview” itself, these can be recorded, as can On The Job Work Task Observations - whether Management Task, Classroom Observation in the context of Education or any other task relevant to the Appraisees Work Setting and Job.

SDMS V e-Appraisal is not designed to replace the Meeting between Manager and Staff but to support it by reducing the need for paperwork and to have shared information on the Web. Either during or immediately at the end of the Appraisal, Line Managers can record the details of the Appraisal directly in the browser printing off copies for file if required.

Appraisee and Employee Self Serve Access

Employees can View and Update their own Appraisal Records. For Scheduled Appraisal Meetings, Appraisees can enter Targets prior to the Meeting for initial discussion with their Manager. Agreed Appraisal Targets can be updated On Line during the Interview itself with Employee Training Needs recorded.

Agreed Appraisal Targets and Outcomes can be recorded, Assigned a Weighting and Priority to aid ongoing Performance Development and Assessment. Action Plans can be set for each target with Specific Actions, Review Dates and Action by Information. Appraisers and Employees can update these as and when required On Line to ensure that progress and following through is Recorded and Achieved.